18 October 2018


Thank you for visiting the Eerie Childhood Gallery.

My name is Frank and I'll be your guide.

I invite you to follow me on a tour through the past, celebrating all the spooky pop culture I encountered as a child in the 1980s.  You'll meet ghosts and witches, demons and aliens, monsters of every shape and size--some of them colourful and fun, others grim and frightening.  You'll visit strange worlds, filled with eerie sights and bizarre goings-on.  Paranormal phenomena and occult lore will send chills up your spine.  Haunting images and scary scenes will thrill you.  The mystery and wonder of childhood will be our domain, explored with reverence and affection.

Along the way, I'll share thoughts and memories, weaving the tale of how I became a horror fan.

So please join me, won't you?  The shadows of the past await . . .


  1. So excited (or super spooked) for what's to come!

  2. Hey Frank! I'm loving your new Blog! I remember Hilarious House of Frankenstein, Especially the Vincent Price segments. Count Von Count is easily one of my favorite vampires, even if he wasn't a bloodsucker. I hope to see more. Take Care!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words and feedback, Jomo! I'm glad you remember these characters as warmly as I do!
