2 August 2020


I'm not sure when I started watching The Incredible Hulk  (1977-1982), but it probably wasn't from the start--I have no recollection of catching the two TV movies that launched this legendary series.

Premiered November 4, 1977

Premiered November 27, 1977

The weekly series debuted on March 10, 1978 . . .

Being a super-hero fanatic, I was certainly familiar with Ol' Jade Jaws . . .

First published April 1978

I wish I still had this fantastic puzzle!
(Artwork by Dave Cockrum)

8" Mego Hulk SMASH!!

Live-action comic book characters were a lot rarer back then, so it was incredibly exciting to discover one on television.  The sense of awe at seeing a real-life superhero was just extraordinary.

Lou Ferrigno was a mighty impressive Hulk!

This particular show, however, was not a colourful action/fantasy romp--I remember it being sombre, bleak and even a little scary.

Bill Bixby hit all the right tormented notes.

Our hero, David Banner, was such a tragic figure: alone; hunted; forced to lead a nomadic existence; unable to get close to anyone; desperate to find a cure for his, um . . . condition; struggling to contain the rage that triggered a calamitous transformation . . .

Banner's super-powered alter ego was a fearsome, destructive monster--an out-of-control brute that somehow managed to pull off heroic deeds.

The Incredible Hulk's scariest moments were probably the transformation scenes . . .

The kids of my generation will never forget those eyes!

And I'm sure most of them, like me, will always have a soft spot for this terrific show.

𝅘𝅥𝅮 Cue The Lonely Man Theme 𝅘𝅥𝅮